Human Resources » Links


  • Link to the Maine Department of Education's website regarding Criminal History Records Check
  • Click here to access the most up to date state and federal labor law posters.
  • ONLINE TIME CLOCK OPERATION: Clock In: 1. Go to; 2. Click on “Departments” and “Human Resources/Payroll”; 3. On the home page, click on “Employees, click here to access the online time clock:; 4. Enter Your Badge # or Your Employee Number; 5. Click on the “CLOCK IN" button, verify your identity and click "CONTINUE" 6. If you have more than one Job Code assigned to you, select the appropriate Job Code and click. You are now clocked in. Lunch Break: Out for Lunch: 1. Follow the directions 1-5 above; 2. Click on “Leave on Break”; 3. Click “Continue” You are now clock out for lunch Back in from Lunch: 1. Follow the directions 1-5 above; Click "Return From Break"; You are now clocked in. Clock Out: 1. Follow the directions 1-5 above; 2. Click on “Clock Out”; You are now clocked out. To View Your Hours: 1. Follow the directions 1-5 above and choose "Log On To Dashboard" 2. Click "View Hours" to review current and past time clock information. Questions concerning the time clock should be directed to your immediate supervisor. Do not wait! Take care of your issue as soon as possible, as you are ultimately responsible for correctly recording your hours/time. Questions may also be directed to the HR/PR Dept at the RSU Business Office to [email protected] or 422-2017, Ext. 107.
  • Link to RSU 24 Online Training Program. Questions? Contact Chris Alvarado, HR Manager at [email protected] or (207) 422-2017, Ext. 2101.