Maine Public Employees Retirement System
Since 1942, the Maine Public Employees Retirement System (MainePERS) has helped public employees prepare for retirement. The System's contributing members include teachers, state, county, and municipal employees, legislators, judges, and those who work for other public entities. In addition to our active members, many public sector retirees and their beneficiaries receive monthly benefits from retirement plans offered by MainePERS. The System also administers Disability Retirement, Group Life Insurance, and MaineSTART, a tax-deferred retirement savings program. Administration of these programs includes financial administration, investment administration, recordkeeping of members' work and compensation data, and administration of retirement-related services provided to members, employers and retirees.
Maine Public Employees Retirement System
46 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333
46 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333
toll free: (800) 451-9800 ● local: (207) 512-3100
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NEW RSU 24 Substitute Teachers CLICK HERE for important information on optional MainePERS membership