Superintendent's Welcome!

Greetings From RSU No. 24,
I hope this monthly update from the district finds each one of you enjoying the beautiful summer weather that we have been experiencing. Although a bit warm and humid, I'll take this weather to winter weather any day!
The new school building project is moving toward the finish line. The domestic water cistern project should be complete as of the end of July. The soccer field has been officially turned over to the district but requires another growing season before we can use the field. We have installed fencing around the baseball and softball fields and will do the same for the soccer field this summer. We are currently having an irrigation system installed for each of the fields to meet the watering needs. In addition, we are in the process of working with community members and businesses to design and construct the dugouts on the baseball and softball fields. The plan at this point is to begin using our baseball and softball fields in the spring of 2025 and our soccer field in the fall of 2025. 
We still have a number of unfilled positions for the upcoming school year.  We are in the need of custodians, bus drivers, ed techs, and teachers. If you are interested, you can access the "Employment" link on our website, The school year for our employees begins on August 26th.
We are in the process of doing the regular upkeep and updating of our buildings in preparation for the 2024-2025 school year. School will start at each of our PK-5 buildings on Thursday, August 29th. We will welcome our sixth graders and ninth grades to Sumner on the 29th as well to allow those grade levels to get accustomed to their new environments. The remainder of the middle and high school will begin on Friday the 30th.  Parents will receive more information from their respective schools as we get closer to the start date. 
Thank you for your continued support of the school district. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me at [email protected].

Michael Eastman, Superintendent
Regional School Unit #24
2165 US Highway 1
Sullivan, Maine 04664