State Assessment Information
State Testing Results
Maine Educational Assessments (MEA) are administered each spring, usually within a window from mid-march through April. This year, the state will be administering the NWEA Through Year assessment for grades 3-8 and 10 in both ELA and Math, as well as the Science MEA developed by New Meridian for grades 5, 8 and 11. Alternate assessments are available for students with significant cognitive disabilities in grades 3-8 and 11.
State Testing Participation
All students in eligible grade levels must participate in the state-required MEAs – either the General MEA or Alternate MEA.
The General MEA consists of:
Mathematics and English Language Arts (ELA)/Literacy:
- NWEA Through Year - Students in Grades 3-8 & 10
- MEA Science - Students in grades 5, 8 and 11 (3rd year of High School)
English Learners:
- ACCESS for ELLs - EL students who were enrolled in a United States for the first time on or after March 1, 2018 received a one-time exemption from MEA ELA/Literacy only, provided they participated in the ACCESS for ELLs during the testing window.
The Alternate Assessments consist of:
Mathematics and English Language Arts (ELA)/Literacy:
- Multi State Alternate Assessment or MSAA - Students in Grades 3-8 and 11 (3rd Year of High School)
- Science Alternate Assessment or SAA - Students in grades 5, 8 and 11 (3rd year of High School)
English Learners with IEPs:
- Alternate ACCESS for ELLs