State Assessment Information

Maine Comprehensive Assessment System (MECAS) Information
RSU #24 believes that taking the State assessments is important.  Though we believe that many other sources of data are important in verifying the success of our schools, testing data does help provide us information about the successes and challenges of our curricular programs. We encourage you to read The Maine Department of Education's “Why Participation Matters” flyer link below for more information about how assessment participation supports our schools.


State Testing Results

Maine Educational Assessments (MEA) are administered each spring, usually within a window from mid-march through April. This year, the state will be administering the NWEA Through Year assessment for grades 3-8 and 10 in both ELA and Math, as well as the Science MEA developed by New Meridian for grades 5, 8 and 11.  Alternate assessments are available for students with significant cognitive disabilities in grades 3-8 and 11.




State Testing Participation

All students in eligible grade levels must participate in the state-required MEAs – either the General MEA or Alternate MEA.


The General MEA consists of:


Mathematics and English Language Arts (ELA)/Literacy:

  • NWEA Through Year - Students in Grades 3-8 & 10


  • MEA Science - Students in grades 5, 8 and 11 (3rd year of High School)


English Learners:

  • ACCESS for ELLs - EL students who were enrolled in a United States for the first time on or after March 1, 2018 received a one-time exemption from MEA ELA/Literacy only, provided they participated in the ACCESS for ELLs during the testing window.



The Alternate Assessments consist of:


Mathematics and English Language Arts (ELA)/Literacy:

  • Multi State Alternate Assessment or MSAA - Students in Grades 3-8 and 11 (3rd Year of High School)



  • Science Alternate Assessment or SAA - Students in grades 5, 8 and 11 (3rd year of High School)


English Learners with IEPs:

  • Alternate ACCESS for ELLs


Opting Out of State Assessments
As noted, RSU #24 believes that assessment data plays a key role in informing our practices and student supports at the district, school, classroom and student levels.  We encourage all students and parents to participate fully in the assessment program.  It is important to note that parents/guardians may opt their child out of State testing.  If you are interested in doing so, please use this link to print and complete the required form.  This form should be returned to the school Principal.
Further Questions
If you have any further questions about State testing, please reach out to the RSU #24 Curriculum (and Assessment) Director:
Nicole Chan
You may also find more information about State assessments at the Maine Department of Education's Maine Comprehensive Assessment System (MECAS) website.