Title I Programming

Welcome to the Title I School Wide Program
Title I is a component of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, ESEA.  Title I funds are given to schools around the country based on the number of low-income families in each district.  The federal funds are used for supplemental educational services for children most in need of educational support.  The focus of the Title I program is on helping students meet the same high standards expected of all children.  Maine’s Model of School Support is an accountability system that measures the progress of Maine’s public schools to inform schools, the state, and the federal government on how Maine schools are performing, and determine where additional support is needed throughout Maine to help improve student achievement. 
Detailed information on Title 1 programming and individual school demographics and performance data can be found on the Department of Education's ESEA dashboard. https://www.maine.gov/doe/dashboard
All Student in Grades K-8 are Title 1 Students
Currently, Cave Hill, Ella Lewis, Mountain View, Peninsula School and Sumner Middle School meet the Title I School Wide eligibility requirements in RSU 24.   All students in grades K through 8 are able to access interventions in reading, writing and mathematics.  Individual and/or small group instruction will be given to students who have the most significant academic gaps. 
How are students selected?
The district uses multiple criteria to determine which student may need additional support in reading, writing, or mathematics. 
 The criteria include:
  -  Observational Survey (Marie Clay)
  -  Standardized Tests (NWEA, MEA)
  -  Fountas and Pinnell Reading Benchmark
  -  Reading Inventory
  -  Writing Prompt Assessment
  -  Eureka Math Assessment
  -  Teacher recommendations
What type of services are provided?
Each classroom in the district provides differentiated support and high quality instruction within the classroom, in small groups and in one-on-one settings.  The intervention program focuses on improving skills related to phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, text comprehension, computation skills, problem solving, application of basic concepts and/or writing.  
Intervention teachers work closely with building administration and classroom teachers, as well as parents, to support student learning and growth. 
What else do Title I funds support?
Parents/guardians are an important part of the school wide intervention program and are encouraged to attend parent-involvement events throughout the school year.  The focus of these events is to increase student learning. Some examples of these activities include parent meetings, conferences with intervention teachers and math & literacy nights.
The Parent Involvement document is shared during these parent gatherings and suggestions for changes or improvement to the document will be solicited. 
Title I funds also support the 4 week summer programs held at each elementary school in our district.  The goal of these summer programs are to extend and reinforce the regular school curriculum and help students maintain the skills they learned throughout the school year.
Who can I contact if I have a question about Intervention Services?
Cave Hill School:
Brenda Jordan, Principal
Christine Carber, Interventionist
Ella Lewis School:
Jessica Spaulding, Principal & ESEA Coordinator
Kimberly Procko, Interventionist
Mountain View School:
Brenda Jordan, Principal
MaryAnn Wheeler, Interventionist
Peninsula School:
Heather Dorr, Principal
Valerie Sprague, Interventionist
Peninsula School:
Heather Dorr, Principal
Valerie Sprague, Interventionist
Sumner Middle School:
Jackson Green, Principal
Seth Reed, Assistant Principal
Noel Abrahamson, Interventionist
District Services Facility:
Nicole Chan, Curriculum Director