Mountain View After School Program

Welcome to the 

After School Program 

at Mountain View! 


Dear Family and Friends of the After School Program at MVS!


We would like to take this opportunity to welcome back our returning families and invite all of our new families at MVS to join us for another exciting year of after school programming.  Please read below to familiarize yourself with the program and changes for the 2023-2024 year.


The After School Program at MVS will be open beginning October 2nd, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.  


All students will begin the afternoon with snack and recess, following the same safety guidelines as are used during the school day.  From 3:45-4:15 each day, K-2 students will gather for an afternoon meeting, a read-aloud, and practicing high frequency words/tutoring lab.  Meanwhile, students in grades 3-5 will have a 30 minutes homework/independent study/tutoring lab.  This will be a great opportunity for students to complete daily homework assignments under the supervision of after school staff.  From 4:15-5:00, all students will participate in exciting enrichment activities.  


In order to offset the cost of materials and supplies, we are asking for a once yearly enrollment fee for students who wish to attend the after school program.  This once yearly fee will be based on free/reduced lunch status with a multi student discount for families as follows:

-full paid lunch: $20 per child/$30 per family

-reduced lunch: $15 per child/$20 per family

-free lunch: $10 per child/$15 per family


Scholarships will be awarded to families unable to pay the enrollment fee, simply check that box on the enrollment form.  NO STUDENT WILL BE TURNED AWAY DUE TO A FAMILIES INABILITY TO PAY.


K-2 program - we find that our K-2 students often forget or become confused about their daily plans.  Therefore, we ask when enrolling your K-2 student, please indicate which days he/she will be staying for after school.  Once we have that information, we will keep your child on those days, unless we receive a note from you, instructing us to do otherwise.


We will be offering an after school bus on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s at 4:40.  Please note that students attending program on Monday’s and Wednesday’s will need to be picked up by 5:00. 


Please read through the attached family handbook. If you think this program is right for your child, please complete the enrollment form and return it to his/her teacher. Students will need to have completed enrollment forms before they can begin to stay after school. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at [email protected] , 422-3200, or my cell phone, 812-1352. I can't wait to get started!


Ms. Tammy Pirie

MVS After School Program Site Leader