Meeting Guidelines
The Regional School Unit #24 (RSU24) Board of Directors meets at 6:30 p.m., normally on the first Tuesday of each month during the school year. Meeting agendas are posted in advance of each meeting on the RSU24 website. To request that an issue be considered as an agenda item at a regular Board meeting, contact the Superintendent, the Chair, or your town’s Board member at least one week prior to the meeting date. The location of our meetings vary. While most of our meetings are held at the in Sullivan, we may hold one meeting a year at each of our other schools.
Meetings of the RSU24 Board of Directors are a limited public forum under Maine statute and are held in public. Our primary purpose for meeting is to conduct our business as charged by law. During every meeting of the full Board of Directors there is an agenda item to allow the public to comment on educational matters. The Chairperson may also provide an opportunity during the consideration of each major agenda item for public input. Comments from audience members are welcomed during these times according to the guidelines in Policy BEDH.
The Chairperson will recognize individuals wishing to be heard by the Board of Directors. All questions and comments should be addressed to the Chairperson.
While all comments will be heard and considered, some questions may require research and/or discussion before they are answered. Generally, the Board does not discuss or act on an item not on the agenda.
The number of speakers and the amount of time each speaks may be limited. In the interest of time, speakers are asked not to be repetitious of comments already made. In the case of a large audience, the chairperson may request that a group designate a spokesperson.
Any community member with a legitimate interest in the Board's business may speak. Employees or employee groups are generally not permitted to discuss matters for which other, more appropriate forums are provided.
Personnel and student issues should be brought to the appropriate school personnel, followed by the Superintendent, before being brought to the School Committee.
Citizens may communicate to the Board in writing as well. Correspondence should be addressed to: RSU24 Board of Directors, ℅ 2165 US Highway 1, Sullivan, ME 04664.
In accordance with the Freedom of Access ("Right-to-Know") law, Board meetings are held in public. The Board may go into private or executive session, upon a vote of the members present, to consider certain matters specified by law, such as personnel issues, student suspension/expulsion, contracts to be negotiated, collective bargaining, legal advice, pending litigation, or student records which are confidential by nature. No final action may be taken during executive sessions.