
The RSU24 Board of Directors also serve on the following committees:

Educational Programming- Members are Vern Campbell, Jeff Alley, Julia Sheehan, Newbold "Terry" Noyes, Katie Garnett
Facilities and Transportation- Members are Roy Gott, Julia Sheehan, Mercy Hardison, Newbold "Terry" Noyes
Finance and Budget- Members are Julia Sheehan, Mercy Hardison, Mary Cowperthwaite

Personnel- Members are Jen Des Jardin, Jeff Alley, Vern Campbell, Mercy Hardison
Policy - Jen des Jardin, Roy Gott, Mary Cowperthwaite
These committees meet publicly once monthly.  The schedule for these meetings can be reviewed on the Upcoming Events calendar on the RSU website. 

Minutes from past committee meetings can be found by clicking on the drop down menu to your right, and updates from each committee meeting can be found in Board minutes.
Drop Out Prevention -  Vern Campbell
IT Planning - Roy Gott
HCTC District Advisory -  Julia Sheehan
MSBA Delegate - Roy Gott
MSBA Alternate - Jennifer Des Jardin
Ad Hoc Committees as needed